Kevin Rokosh
Page: Engaging B2B Content Copywriter


Copywriting Services

Do you know there are "5 C's" that will ensure your website content resonates with readers?

  1. Customer-focused • Address what's on your readers' minds when their search leads to your content. Always make it easy for them to read. Help, help, help them. Provide simple solutions to their problems.
  2. Competitive • Keywords and keyphrases do double-duty. They need to help place your company FIRST in search engine results. And they need to drive strong value messaging statements that set your company apart from the competition.
  3. Clear • Don't assume your readers will figure anything out for themselves. SHOW them. Clearly answer these questions for them:
    • Where am I?
    • Who are you?
    • What do you offer?
    • How does it help me?
    • How do I navigate this site?
    • Where should I go next?
    • How do I download your PDF, sign up for a newsletter, ask you with a question, etc?
  4. Conversion-Optimized • Every page has messaging that prompts clicks to turn readers into leads or customers.
  5. Consistent • Use logical messaging that flows smoothly from page-to-page. All content should have a consistent voice with a tone matching your brand. Keep fonts, headlines, bullet point call-outs the same across the site. Use a similar style for all your offers and calls to action.

I follow these 5 C's to write engaging B2B content for your technology business messages. I offer solid and reliable help in the following service areas:

Website Audits and Overhauls

I understand the architecture of writing for the web. Visitors to your website are different from typical hard-copy readers. They want content that satisfies their online hunt for information and answers to their problems. 

In a Website Audit, I'll review your home page and main sub-pages. My focus is on your sales copy, SEO meta data use, and overall website usability. I'll identify opportunities for improved search rankings and increased conversions/sales.

Here's what your audit report will include:

With your Website Audit in-hand, you're free to make the changes yourself or with another freelancer. But perhaps you'll take the next logical step and task me with executing a Website Overhaul for you.

You see, my specialty is helping companies create websites that tell their stories and generate leads. I see the big picture of how all aspects of a website work together: usability, content and images, calls to action, etc.

I serve as the trusted bridge between you and your website designer. I lift the stress off your back when redesigning a website. And you'll get your project completed on time.

My work on a Website Overhaul typically includes the following services:

Blog Posts and Article Writing

What's the difference between blog posts and articles? Not much. Both should focus on your readers, not your company. For example:

The only differences to consider are tone of voice and allowing comments.

Blogs usually follow a conversational tone and allow commenting. An article's tone may be slightly more formal - but not too formal. It still needs to be easy-to-read. Because easy-to-read means easy-to-understand.

So if you want to establish your company’s credibility in the marketplace, you need to write bog posts and articles. But you probably find you don’t have time to produce them all.

I’m the analytical researcher you can bring on-board to help write these for you. I can collaborate with your product teams to write blog posts and articles that are accessible and benefit-oriented.

Other Online B2B Content

Perhaps you already understand your content needs. You've identified landing pages, product pages, or email messages. I'll write these so your prospects can either scan them quickly or read deeply when they want to know more. 

White Papers

You want to educate and influence your business prospects. Blend the information and authority of an article with the persuasive elements of your product brochures. This will give you an actively sought after white paper.

I can produce white papers to build quality leads or to help move more of your prospects through the buying cycle.

Internet Research

Do you ever feel like you take up too much valuable time doing unfocused Internet research while creating your B2B content? You need someone who can dig through all the information out there and deliver only the most relevant research.

Let me take this item off your to-do list, so you can focus on your high value tasks.

I'll reliably gather the relevant information for you. So all you have to do is sort through a small pool of information and use what's best to get your message across.

I Can Also Help With:

Want to know even more? Read the Questions I Often Hear …

Or maybe you're ready to Call or Email and discuss your next B2B content project … and discuss your next B2B content project…